Visa Service Center
Taiwan Visa 40,000 (All costs included)
Common documents (A4 size)
1 Passport original
2 2 pictures (3.5cm×4.5cm,White background)
3 Japanese Kosekitohon (戸籍謄本)
4 Taiwanese Kosekitohon original
5 Residence card both sides copy (在留カード)
6 Passport copy of Taiwanese relatives
7 Taiwan company registration certificate & invitation
8 Individual information (no need proof, hand write ok)
A:Marital situation
B:Email and phone number
C:Travel date
D:Taiwan hotel name, address and phone
E:Have visited Taiwan or not and purpose
F:Taiwan company name, phone, address and person
※Prices excludes tax
※We charge 50% price when documents arrive at office
※Payment before sending documents to embassy
※Cannot cancel after submitting documents to embassy
※Extra charge if you need special documents
※If embassy requires additional documents, we also need to charge additionally
※We cannot refund even the visa is refused